Farmer standing in corn field wearing glasses and smiling.

Power of We, More Hands Do More Good

If there’s one thing farmers are good at, it’s lending a hand. What some companies call “corporate responsibility” we call being good neighbors. Because whether it’s planting a garden or protecting our children from toxic chemicals, we’ll do a much better job if we do it together.
Farmer and son walking in the cow pasture followed by Holstein cows.
We're growing the good food movement together.
For us, cooperative giving is all about helping like-minded organizations reach their organic goals.
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A farmer standing in a herd of cows while embracing one of them.
Our friends are making a difference.
From research organizations to educational foundations, we're big supporters of all things organic.
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Two farmers walking through the field with a herd of cattle.
We're invested in creating change.
Our farmer-funded grant program supports organic research, education and advocacy projects across the country.
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