Our Certifications

Organic Valley products are organic-, halal- and kosher-certified by independent sources.

All Organic Valley products are certified organic by Oregon Tilth, an Accredited Certifying Agent for the USDA’s National Organic Program. To learn more about the USDA’s organic standards, please click here.

Dozens of our products are certified as halal by the Islamic Food and Nutrtion Council of America (IFANCA), and dozens more are certified as kosher by the Orthodox Union. If you have questions about whether a specific product is kosher or halal, please contact us at 888.444.6455.

You can also download PDFs of all our certifications by clicking on the links below.

Download Oregon Tilth organic certification.

Download Oregon Tilth organic certification for meat products.

Download IFANCA halal certification.

Download Orthodox Union kosher certification.

Download Non-GMO Project Verified products certification.

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