Today Organic Valley announced that George Siemon, one of the cooperative’s founding farmers and a pioneer in the organic movement, has stepped down from his role as CEO.
Author and organic farmer Bob Quinn is pioneering sustainable agriculture and alternative energy on his farm in Montana, and a key factor is the ancient wheat-like grain Kamut®.
Celebrating Women Farmers on International Women’s Day
by Rootstock Editor
When most people hear the word “farmer,” the first image that pops to mind is usually of a man. But that image is slowly beginning to change to one of a woman driving the tractor—and making the major farm decisions.
An Organic Grass-Fed Certification Seal You Can Trust
by Rootstock Editor
When it comes to dairy, “grass-fed” claims are often confusing and even misleading. You don’t need that mess. Certified Grass-Fed Organic Dairy is grass-fed you can trust.
Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern: Racial (In)Justice, Immigration and Labor in the Food System
by Rootstock Radio
Can you understand something like food without considering politics, economics and social conditions? Professor Laura-Anne Minkoff-Zern doesn’t think so. Catch her insights on this week’s episode of Rootstock Radio.
Starting seeds indoors is a great way to grow long-season crops in cool climates. It also creates an opportunity to harvest earlier in any climate, warm or cool. And did we mention it’s fun?